Monday 28 January 2013

Why not?

I have been working in online media for some years now and over the past few, one company has really captivated my attention.  That company is Red Bull.  To be more precise, Red Bull Media House

I am sure most people reading this have either heard of them or watched something produced by them and have been blown away by the awe inspiring cinematography in films such as the art of flight and the signature series. One might think that alone is what would inspire an appreciation for a company that was once just an energy drink manufacturer. 

Though what I find most inspiring and aspirational is their ability to ask why not when others ask why.

Shall we send a man to the edge of space in a tin can and let him plummet back to the marble we live on with only a piece of cloth to save him. Why not?

Shall we take a sport that is already pushing the limits of what we thought possible and push it that little bit further. Why not?

Shall we create an entirely new sport, one in which the only contestants we will find that are mad enough to partake are those that have left their fear mashed up against a plexiglass wall? Why not?

The latest one I have been keeping an eye on and it hits straight to another passion of mine, one which I am sure I'll be writing more about, is the Red Bull Storm Chase.  

Red Bull Storm Chase

If you thought the guys in the discover series storm chasers were a bit doolally you will certainly want to check this out. 

While on the subject of inspiration.  If there is one thing you watch before January is out, I urge it to be this. When everyone else would be asking why is this happening to me, why should I have such a hard life, Dewey Bozella instead said why not make my dream happen?

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